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ChaosMeeting 2018/03

Date 05/02/2018
Time 18:30
Location ChaosStuff
Location Opening ~16:00
Administrative Council Attendees metalgamer, virii, orimpe
Minutes Recording metalgamer





Welcome to the Chaos Computer Club Luxembourg!

{% if not %BEZUELT% %}
Your membership begins when you have paid your membership fee.

Please sent us your membership fee, which amounts to %MEMBERSHIPFEE%€ to the following account:

IBAN: LU29 0019 2855 3890 4000
Message: Membership fee %YEAR% %NICKNAME%
{% endif %}

We have the following information about you:

   Chaos-Id.:     %CHAOSID%
   Name:          %NUMM% %NONUMM%
   Nickname:      %NICKNAME%
   Email:         %EMAIL%
   Status:        %STATUS%
If this information is not correct, please tell us as soon as possible, by sending an e-mail to

And now?

The C3L lives through its members. Without your initiative no chaos!
To ease up your entrance, here are some answers to frequently asked questions:

 - After which values does the C3L act?
    Our values are grounded in the hacker ethics (

 - How can I become active in the C3L?
    Visit us and search contact in our own hackerspace "Chaosstuff" (

Your Chaos Computer Club Luxembourg!

Jo, mir maachen dat. Den Text gett nach ugepasst.


Mir mussen hinnen ee Bréif schreiwen. De deflenken huet schon ee virbereet. Mir ginn Member. De deflenken mecht dat.

Server Updates

The following users got moderator rights on the wiki, so they can delete pages:

metalgamer installed the following plugins in the wiki:

Our kallithea instance over at got updated to the latest release and deflenken received admin rights.


Jo. Geet an de Repo. Dann ka jidderen dru schaffen. martianhumorist soll och déi aaner iwwersetzen!


Mir läschen déi Regel, dass een nom 3 mol kommen, soll sech iwwerleen Member ze ginn.

Mir soen einfach, wanns de regulär kenns soll een sech iwwerleen Member ze ginn.

Grondsaz Aftermath aka. Manifesto

Mir halen eis politesch Ausrichtung als Manifesto fest. Dofir gett ee Pad gemeet.


Jo, maachen mir. Mir maachen dat no der AG.


Nom Treffen mam Courtier wäert hien elo eisen "Agent" sinn. Hien schwätzt mat der Lalux fir dass si d'Haftpflicht drastesch erofsetzen.