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user:prometheus:private:artemis [2014/10/07 19:43] – [Artemis] prometheususer:prometheus:private:artemis [2015/07/15 21:54] (current) – external edit
Line 2: Line 2:
 //Artemis// originates from antique Greek and means - amongst other  - //unharmful// or //safe//. Exactly that, Artemis should deliver to you: safety for your data and no harm to your communications. //Artemis// originates from antique Greek and means - amongst other  - //unharmful// or //safe//. Exactly that, Artemis should deliver to you: safety for your data and no harm to your communications.
 +In detail, Artemis is a simple RaspberryPi packed up with different kinds of software packages, meshed up configurations, which results in an isolated, secure server.
 +Artemis' can be used in two different modes:
 +  * **SafeHarbour** (SF) provides services locally as an isolated server on a LAN, with no connection to the Internet
 +  * **Periscope** (P) or as acting as a secure proxy server on an unsecured network
 ===== Requirements ===== ===== Requirements =====
Line 115: Line 121:
 # hostnamectl set-hostname your-desired-hostname # hostnamectl set-hostname your-desired-hostname
 </sxh> </sxh>
 +<note tip>We'd recommend gluuing alluminium heatsinks on the GPU as CPU. </note>
 +We upgraded this configuration to the medium as we are going to use some software as which needs a bit more power than usual. Pleas adapt this to your needs.
 <sxh bash; title:Boosting computational power of RPi> <sxh bash; title:Boosting computational power of RPi>
 # vim /boot/config.txt # vim /boot/config.txt
-PLACE config HERE+##Medium 
 </sxh> </sxh>
 ==== Network Configuration ==== ==== Network Configuration ====
Line 158: Line 171:
 ==== root partition encryption ==== ==== root partition encryption ====
- +^ Step ^ Command ^ 
 +| 1    | n | 
 +| 2    | p | 
 +| 3    | ENTER | 
 +| 4    | ENTER | 
 +| 5    | w |
 ===== References ===== ===== References =====
 [0] [[|RaspberryPi With Root Partition Encryption, Unlocked Using Flash Drive]] [0] [[|RaspberryPi With Root Partition Encryption, Unlocked Using Flash Drive]]
 \\ [1] [[|Archlinux ARM encrypted root]] \\ [1] [[|Archlinux ARM encrypted root]]
-\\ [] [[|ArchLinux ARM - Raspberry Pi Installation]]+\\ [2] [[|ArchLinux ARM - Raspberry Pi Installation]]
  • user/prometheus/private/artemis.1412703791.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/07/15 21:54
  • (external edit)