Hack.lu 2017

Date 17/10/2017 - 19/10/2017
Time 08:45 (local time)
Venue Parc Hotel
Description Hack.lu is an open convention/conference where people can discuss about computer security, privacy, information technology and its cultural/technical implication on society. It's the 13th edition (17-19 October 2017) of hack.lu in Luxembourg.
Website https://2017.hack.lu
Contact fantawams
Participants metalgamer fantawams


Book Price
The Black Box Society 25€
Spam Nation 20€
For the Win 15€
Beautiful Trouble 30€
The Cuckoos Egg 20€
Ghost in the Wires 15€
Machine Learning 20€
Weapons of Math Destruction 15€
Homeland 20€
Gimmicks Price
Hackerspace Passport 10€
RFID Passport Protection 15€
RFID Creditcard Protection 5€
Tor Poster 5€
Freifunk Poster 10€
Soldering Kit - Tux 10€
Soldering Kit - Conway's Game of Life 20€
Drinks Price
Flora Power 2€ + 1€ Deposit
Beer 2€ + 1€ Deposit
