1. Server Management
The server has been cracked. The attacker came from a Tango IP ().
2. entr0py
Date: 15/03/2014
Time: 12h30 @ Radio ARA
Topic(s): FNF, Bug of the month, CDays, FVDE Update, Music, MTGox, Repair Café
3. CDays
Topic: cryptoEvent
We are going to lecture about the cryptocalypse plain and simple. It's a bit like a cryptoParty. Teaching the pupils basic stuff of cryptography and anonymity on most simple way as possible, so they can protect their data.
How to secure which Operating Systems:
4. Gathering plastic bottle caps
We start collecting plastic bottle caps to fund a seeing-eye dog. We are official partner of Inter-Actions - Haus vun de Kanner. There logo and reference will be placed on the bottom page of c3l.lu
5. General Assembly
The yearly General Assembly will take place on the 15th of March 2014 @ 5h30 PM. Venue: 23, Um Kettenhouscht, L-9142, Bierden, Luxembourg
6. Security Conference
We need to prepare.
7. Vakanz zu Esch
Organizer(s): Jan
14/07/14 –> LightPainting
17/07/14 –> Build a radio out of a RaspberryPi
24/07/14 –> Makey-Makey
8. Repair Café
We are going to sew some protective smartphone sleeves. For ourselves and to sell.
Material: HF+NF / Abschirmvlies HNV80 / Breite 100 cm / 1 Laufmeter –> 21.90€ Shop: http://www.yshield.com/vliese-gewebe/hnv80.html
The idea originally comes from KillYourPhone.com. There has been a slightly altered version of the sleeve been documented in a Spiegel article, which seems more handy.
1. Wiki
We have a blog now available at: http://wiki.enn.lu/doku.php?id=news
2. CIRCL / Police (New Technology) / Science.lu
CIRCL - Yet to be determined
Police (New Technology) - 1st of April 2014 @ 5 PM (24, rue Bitbourg L-1273 Z.I Hamm)
Science.lu - Yet to be determined
3. Solido Hosting
4. General Assembly
The yearly General Assembly will take place on the 15th of March 2014 @ 9 PM. Venue: 23, Um Kettenhouscht, L-9142, Bierden, Luxembourg