Table of Contents

ChaosMeeting - 24/03/2014


  1. C3L Manifesto
  2. CDays & Security Conference (Ettelbréck)
  3. Own Hackerspace
  4. Server
    1. Back-Up Handling
    2. Etherpad
    3. Wiki
  5. Statuten


C3L Manifesto

This should be the basic guidelines, ethical views and rules for C3L and its members. Every one should write her/his views about this on the related wiki page. After 2 month of time, we'll work it through and publish it. It is referenced in the official statutes.

CDays & Security Conference (Ettelbréck)

We'll discuss and work intensively on these topics over the weekend (29-30/03/2014)

Own Hackerspace

This week we have to fix the meeting with the commune of Luxembourg regarding an own space in Luxembourg city.

Possible dates:

prometheus will call them and keep the mailing list posted.



We have decided to call in an EGA within the next month to adapt some statutes and change our social address - we have forgotten about this on the last GA.