Step I: Installation
Return to the installation manual.


OUI Database

A quite good summary about OUI databases can be read here. To simplify things and save space and computing power on the Rasp, I suggest you'll use the following script to fetch the latest and largest OUI available database.

The script should be run at every start-up or at least once a month.

<sxh bash;> ~:$ </sxh>

<sxh bash;> #/bin/bash TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%y-%m-%d @ %H-%M")

if [ -e "/etc/mac-manuf" ]; then

  echo "File has changed. Fetching update..."
  wget --timestamping --tries=3 --quiet -O /etc/mac-manuf
  echo "$TIMESTAMP: Fetching OUI file update." >> /var/log/fmm.log


  echo "Fetching file..."
  wget --timestamping --tries=3 --quiet -O /etc/mac-manuf
  echo "$TIMESTAMP: Fetching OUI file for the first time." >> /var/log/fmm.log

fi </sxh>

get-oui for ethernet is also available. The original OUI db can be found here (3.2MB text file).