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Dry Run


ERROR: Not creating a VAP

<sxh plain;> * KISMET CLIENT IS SHUTTING DOWN * [SERVER] INFO: Deferring shutdown of packet source 'wlan0' to IPC child [SERVER] ERROR: TCP server client read() error for Connection reset by [SERVER] peer [SERVER] [SERVER] * KISMET IS SHUTTING DOWN * [SERVER] INFO: Stopped source 'wlan0' [SERVER] INFO: IPC controller waiting for IPC child process 178 to end. [SERVER] INFO: IPC controller IPC child process 178 has ended. [SERVER] INFO: Shutting down plugins… [SERVER] Shutting down log files… [SERVER] ERROR: Not creating a VAP for wlan0 even though one was requested, since the [SERVER] interface is already in monitor mode. Perhaps an existing monitor mode [SERVER] VAP was specified. To override this and create a new monitor mode vap [SERVER] no matter what, use the forcevap=true source option [SERVER] ERROR: Source 'wlan0': channel get ioctl failed 22:Invalid argument [SERVER] ERROR: Not creating a VAP for wlan0 even though one was requested, since the [SERVER] interface is already in monitor mode. Perhaps an existing monitor mode [SERVER] VAP was specified. To override this and create a new monitor mode vap [SERVER] no matter what, use the forcevap=true source option [SERVER] WARNING: Kismet changes the configuration of network devices. [SERVER] In most cases you will need to restart networking for [SERVER] your interface (varies per distribution/OS, but [SERVER] usually: /etc/init.d/networking restart [SERVER] [SERVER] Kismet exiting. </sxh>


In the kismet.conf add the interface you would like to operate with and set the following option: <sxh plain;>vap=false</sxh>


<sxh plain;>ncsource=wlan0:type=mac80211,hop=true,forcevap=false</sxh>

More options and information to find in the kismet documentation (5. Captures sources) & forum.