
This is an old revision of the document!


  • prometheus
    • BigBrother - Standby
    • Flyer (1st July '14)
    • [✓ prometheus, 2015-04-25]Contact digital water meter guy
    • [✓ prometheus, 2015-04-25]Contact commune(s) for space
  • prometheus & k3lly
    • Shop - Ongoing Process (> 70% done)
  • virii
    • Compiling a list of hackerspace stuff
    • [✓ virii, 2015-04-04]Create financial situation page
  • metalgamer
    • Complete GA minutes
    • Create pool of talks page
  • Everyone
    • Wiki: Keep it up2date
  • chaosmeetings/todo.1429986460.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/07/15 21:54
  • (external edit)