
This is an old revision of the document! 2017

Date 17/10/2017 - 19/10/2017
Time 08:45 (local time)
Venue Parc Hotel
Description is an open convention/conference where people can discuss about computer security, privacy, information technology and its cultural/technical implication on society. It's the 13th edition (17-19 October 2017) of in Luxembourg.
Contact fantawams
Participants metalgamer fantawams
Book Price
The Black Box Society 25€
Spam Nation 20€
For the Win 15€
Beautiful Trouble 30€
The Cuckoos Egg 20€
Ghost in the Wires 15€
Machine Learning 20€
Weapons of Math Destruction 15€
Homeland 20€
Gimmicks Price
Hackerspace Passport 10€
RFID Passport Protection 15€
RFID Creditcard Protection 5€
Tor Poster 5€
Freifunk Poster 10€
Soldering Kit - Tux 10€
Soldering Kit - Conway's Game of Life 20€
Drinks Price
Flora Power 2€ + 1€ Deposit
Beer 2€ + 1€ Deposit


  1. The Cuckoos Egg gouf bal ganz verkaf.
  2. Flora ass rem gutt verkaf 3 Kagoen.
  3. Soldering kits goufen guer net verkaf
  4. Stickeren sinn wie nix weg gaangen
  5. Den 3D-Printer muss dobäi sinn, vir Leit unzezéien.
  6. Freifunk ass gutt gang, villäicht nächst Joer vill domadder mat organiséieren
  7. HackLU halt, vill Business
  8. Freifunk Flyeren mussen op englesch do sinn.
  9. Béier ass guer net kaf ginn 1 Kago.-
  10. Mei tweeten
  • events/2017/10/hack-lu.1508783663.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/10/23 20:34
  • by fantawams