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Mir hunn eng Säit mat Richtlinnen wann een an eisem Hackerspace ass an deen benotzen well: guideline.

D'Spaco Kommissioun ass een Group vun fraiwellegen Memberen dei sech berreet erklärt hun sech em't Akäff souwei greisser Verännerungen am Space ze bekemmeren →Space Commission.

Zwee Raim? 1 Badge. Wann's du wëlls dauerhaften Zougrëff zum Hackerspace hunn dann mell dech bei eis an schéck eis eng Mail op oder komm eng Kéier Méindes op een ChaosMeeting oder op een meetup.

Prozess fir een Badge ze kréien

- deemnächst kennt dat :)

There is a full-featured kitchen provided to all members and visitors of the ChaosStuff. For those whom don't like / have time / don't have to much trust in their cooking skills, there are several - tested by us - delivery-services nearby. For those who are up for a cooking challenge, visit our Foodhacking list.

Price list

As we are a non profit organization, you can buy some drinks and food at us. Here you can find the price list

  • lb/chaosstuff/moreinfo.1558271403.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/05/19 15:10
  • by chrescht