
This is an old revision of the document!

Work in progress


Description An electrical vehicle to transport heavy objects….
Status Planning
Contact fantawams,orimpe
Participants: everybody

As it is a pain in the ass to transport heavy stuff manually, it is a much smarter solution to transform a hoverboard into something, with which you can transport your stuff.

basic construction

  • steel: 2mm strength
  • size: 30mm x 30mm pipes
  • place for stuff: 2 Mate crates length and 2 Mate crate wide (80cm x 60cmn)
  • total weight maximum of 5kg without motor or batteries


  • 4x4 hoverboard motors, each 250W sensored bruchless DC motors


  • RF controller
  • no power ⇒ stop (perhaps in version2)

realistic ideas

  • led lights to see in the dark
  • places to connect other Jabels or to fix stuff (perhaps in version 2), solution in the keep it stupid simple way

crazy ideas

  • able to sit on it and drive it like a car
  • 8x8 offroad jabel
  • towing hitch

Buy the steel at Agrifer, they will cut the pieces as needed for a cheap price. Using not 2mm steel but 1 - 1.5 mm steel, to make it lighter. Making the metal construction out of aluminium to make it lighter. Thickness should than be at least 2mm to maximum of 3mm.

The Jabel is another form of the TranspOtter. The main difference here, is that the Jabel is using an RF controller and the TranspOtter is using Gametrack to navigate. Find in the Link also other Hoverboard hacks.

As we are using an RF controller, we need to slightly modify the firmware. So we open in the Inc folder the conf.h file and adjust the following.

// ############################### INPUT ###############################

// ###### CONTROL VIA UART (serial) ######
//#define CONTROL_SERIAL_USART2       // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used!
#define CONTROL_BAUD       19200    // control via usart from eg an Arduino or raspberry
// for Arduino, use void loop(void){ Serial.write((uint8_t *) &steer, sizeof(steer)); Serial.write((uint8_t *) &speed, sizeof(speed));delay(20); }

// ###### CONTROL VIA RC REMOTE ######
// left sensor board cable. Channel 1: steering, Channel 2: speed. Use a very short cable!
//#define CONTROL_PPM                 // use PPM-Sum as input. disable CONTROL_SERIAL_USART2!
//#define PPM_NUM_CHANNELS 6          // total number of PPM channels to receive, even if they are not used.

// ADC-calibration to cover the full poti-range: connect potis to left sensor board cable (0 to 3.3V) (do NOT use the red 15V wire in the cable!). see <How to calibrate>. turn the potis to minimum $
//#define CONTROL_ADC                 // use ADC as input. disable CONTROL_SERIAL_USART2!
#define ADC1_MIN 0                // min ADC1-value while poti at minimum-position (0 - 4095)
#define ADC1_MAX 4095               // max ADC1-value while poti at maximum-position (0 - 4095)
#define ADC2_MIN 0                // min ADC2-value while poti at minimum-position (0 - 4095)
#define ADC2_MAX 4095               // max ADC2-value while poti at maximum-position (0 - 4095)

// left sensor board cable. keep cable short, use shielded cable, use ferrits, stabalize voltage in nunchuck, use the right one of the 2 types of nunchucks, add i2c pullups. use original nunchuck. $
//#define CONTROL_NUNCHUCK            // use nunchuck as input. disable DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3!

// ###### MOTOR TEST MODE ######
// slowly move both wheels forward and backward, ignoring all inputs
#define CONTROL_MOTOR_TEST_MAX_SPEED 300         // sweep slowly from -MAX_SPEED to MAX_SPEED (0 - 1000)


// ############################### INPUT ###############################

// ###### CONTROL VIA UART (serial) ######
//#define CONTROL_SERIAL_USART2       // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used!
//#define CONTROL_BAUD       19200    // control via usart from eg an Arduino or raspberry
// for Arduino, use void loop(void){ Serial.write((uint8_t *) &steer, sizeof(steer)); Serial.write((uint8_t *) &speed, sizeof(speed));delay(20); }

// ###### CONTROL VIA RC REMOTE ######
// left sensor board cable. Channel 1: steering, Channel 2: speed. Use a very short cable!
#define CONTROL_PPM                 // use PPM-Sum as input. disable CONTROL_SERIAL_USART2!
#define PPM_NUM_CHANNELS 6          // total number of PPM channels to receive, even if they are not used.

// ADC-calibration to cover the full poti-range: connect potis to left sensor board cable (0 to 3.3V) (do NOT use the red 15V wire in the cable!). see <How to calibrate>. turn the potis to minimum $
//#define CONTROL_ADC                 // use ADC as input. disable CONTROL_SERIAL_USART2!
//#define ADC1_MIN 0                // min ADC1-value while poti at minimum-position (0 - 4095)
//#define ADC1_MAX 4095               // max ADC1-value while poti at maximum-position (0 - 4095)
//#define ADC2_MIN 0                // min ADC2-value while poti at minimum-position (0 - 4095)
//#define ADC2_MAX 4095               // max ADC2-value while poti at maximum-position (0 - 4095)

// left sensor board cable. keep cable short, use shielded cable, use ferrits, stabalize voltage in nunchuck, use the right one of the 2 types of nunchucks, add i2c pullups. use original nunchuck. $
//#define CONTROL_NUNCHUCK            // use nunchuck as input. disable DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3!

// ###### MOTOR TEST MODE ######
// slowly move both wheels forward and backward, ignoring all inputs
#define CONTROL_MOTOR_TEST_MAX_SPEED 300         // sweep slowly from -MAX_SPEED to MAX_SPEED (0 - 1000)

The firmware allows to use the hoverboard motors up to 40km/h. For the Jabel this is not what we want. The Power of an motor can be used, to get either a higher top speed, as for the bobbycar, or to get a higher torque. As a higher torque would allow us to transport a higher load or simply transport the load better, as we can get more strength out of the motor, we will try to slightly increase the software current limit in the firmware. Depending on how you adjust the firmware, you can increase the power output of a motor from 250W to 800W. This does not only sound nice, but also brings risk with it. So keep in mind:
add quote from spiderman

The danger here is, that we are working with electrical motors. A higher torque means a higher current. The only thing, which is limiting the current in the motor is the internal resistance, which is very small, and reverse voltage, when the motor is spinning. When the motor is not spinning or slowly spinning, we only have our small internal resistance, so a too high current will burn the motors. This is of course something we want to absolutely avoid. Another aspect of a high current, is that the battery, cables and mainboard need to be able to handle such an electrical load.

We welded a basic construction out of the steel. As we decided to use only to motors for the first version, we had to improvise a fix for the hoverboard motors. There is a height difference of 9cm between the front wheels and the hoverboard wheels. To have a aligned surface later on, we welded 3 spare pieces together.

As we want to have enough energy to transport all the stuff with the Jabel, we need an strong enough power source power source. Fro this purpose we are going to build a battery out of old lion cells.

An original hoverboard battery, is a 10s2p battery with 18650 type lion cells. This means 10 cells in serial with 2 in parallel. They have around 42V and around 4400mAh. This is enough for around 30 minutes driving.As we want to increase this time, we simply need more energy stored in our battery. The limits what a hoverboard mainboard can handle is around 55V.

Every battery should have an internal balancer to protect against:

  • under voltage
  • over current
  • over temperature

battery build not clear for now:

  • 10s4p
  • 11s4p
  • 12s4p
  • 10s6p
  • 11s6p
  • 12s6p
  • 10s8p
  • 11s8p
  • 12s8p

Having a powerful battery is nice and fine, but without a case it will be difficult to mount it on the Jabel. It also serves a protection against stones, water and dirt.

The PCB mainboard needs a mechanical protection against water and dirt.

As the Jabel is build by hackers and as hacker simply love LEDs, we are equipping it with LEDs and LED strips. These have not only the effect to make the whole thing look nice and fancy, but also have an useful purpose.Atnight you can still see where you are driving or simply see where the Jabel is.

  • projects/hardware/jabel.1567183821.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/08/30 18:50
  • by fantawams