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projects:archive [2019/01/28 21:42] metalgamerprojects:archive [2021/10/10 23:07] (current) – ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation wc3lmin
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 Everything has an end; but the sausage has two. Everything has an end; but the sausage has two.
-  * [[:projects:bluebreak|BlueBreak]] +  * [[projects:security:bluebreak|BlueBreak]] 
-  * [[:projects:warxing|WarXing]] +  * [[projects:security:warxing|WarXing]] 
-  * [[:projects:rfid.playground|RFID Playground]] +  * [[projects:security:rfid:playground|RFID Playground]] 
-  * [[projects:raspberrypi:hp-network-print-server|HP network print server]] +  * [[projects:howtos:hp-network-print-server|HP network print server]] 
-  * [[projects:raspberrypi:pirateradio|Pirate Radio]]   +  * [[projects:hardware:pirateradio|Pirate Radio]]   
-  * [[projects:raspberrypi:tor-hotspot|Tor Hotspot]]+  * [[projects:howtos:tor-hotspot|Tor Hotspot]]
   * [[:projects:cryptoparty|Cryptoparty]]   * [[:projects:cryptoparty|Cryptoparty]]
-  * [[projects:piratebox|Pirate Box]] +  * [[projects:howtos:piratebox|Pirate Box]] 
-  * [[projects:deaddrops|DeadDrops]] +  * [[projects:community:deaddrops|DeadDrops]] 
-  * [[projects:dlbase|Downloadbase]] +  * [[projects:community:dlbase|Downloadbase]] 
-  * [[projects:stand-with-snowden|Stand with Snowden!]] +  * [[projects:community:stand-with-snowden|Stand with Snowden!]] 
-  * [[projects:rcsl|Improving RCSL]] +  * [[projects:community:rcsl|Improving RCSL]] 
-  * [[projects:bright-sky|Bright Sky: a gathering of different happenings in the world which need our attention.]] +  * [[projects:community:bright-sky|Bright Sky: a gathering of different happenings in the world which need our attention.]] 
-  * [[projects:archive:chaosdrops]] +  * [[projects:community:chaosdrops]] 
-  * [[projects:labelwriter]] +  * [[projects:howtos:labelwriter]] 
-  * [[projects:warxing:warbox]] +  * [[projects:security:warxing:warbox]] 
-  * [[projects:stand-with-assange]] +  * [[projects:community:stand-with-assange]] 
-  * [[projects:wifisec]] +  * [[projects:security:wifisec]] 
-  * [[projects:rfid]] +  * [[projects:security:rfid]] 
-  * [[projects:staatstrojaner]] +  * [[projects:community:staatstrojaner]] 
-  * [[projects:srmcd]] +  * [[projects:hardware:srmcd]] 
-  * [[projects:jump_run_flip-dot_art_display]]+  * [[projects:hardware:jump_run_flip-dot_art_display]]
   * [[projects:entr0py]]   * [[projects:entr0py]]
   * [[projects:cortana]]   * [[projects:cortana]]
-  * [[projects:meshnet]]+  * [[projects:hardware:meshnet]]
   * [[projects:metadata]]   * [[projects:metadata]]
   * [[projects:network-security:eet]]   * [[projects:network-security:eet]]
-  * [[projects:rad1o]] +  * [[projects:hardware:rad1o]] 
-  * [[projects:raspberrypi:raspstation]] +  * [[projects:hardware:raspstation]] 
-  * [[projects:sim-cards]]+  * [[projects:security:sim-cards]] 
 +  * [[projects:community:seti_box]] 
 +  * [[projects:community:repair-cafe]]
  • projects/archive.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/10/10 23:07
  • by wc3lmin