

For a lot of people living in Luxembourg it already became a tradition to head out on the field for the Rock-A-Field every year in Roeser. But this year was kind of special. I wanted to bring a piece of (h)acktivism with me and use the opportuniy to talk to people about Edward Snowden.

Thanks to the campaign of the Courage Foundation (see previous blog post), I wanted to spread the word about it on the festival. Below you find 3 results, but more hide behind the new project we have launched with it: Stand with Snowden!

Read more about it on the regarding wiki page. :)

2014/06/30 20:51 · prometheus

The Chaos Computer Club Lëtzebuerg stands with Edward Snowden! We support whistle blowing, citizen and human rights!

We deny all methods of spying, all non-objective and non-democratic assessed procedures to legalize such activities by any institution or person; as we deeply believe in privacy!

A big thanks to Courage Foundation for offering people this opportunity!

Stand with us for #EdwardSnowden #ChelseaManning and #AaronSwartz!

Less is more! This is pretty much our philosophy regarding cryptoPartys. We'd rather see less people attending a cryptoParty of ours and dragging off with some new knowledge and implementing it, than a big crowd going home without having gained that much of new intel.

Our latest cryptoParty / security awareness conference in Ettelbréck ended exactly like the first one described above: 15 people - so no terrible big crowd - who had learned something that evening.

Topics like Apps to secure SmartPhones, Browser alternatives, Tor and much more were part of the program.

You might want to see the presentation, read the summary of recommended tips or simply have look at some impressions from the evening, so please visit the according wiki page. ;)

Freedom of Information has always been one of our most important concerns and still is. Whether treaties are being called TAFTA, TTIP, TISA or whatever else, should and need to be negotiated in public and not behind closed doors.

Besides, we fear that a second ACTA treaty could be bootlegged in these.

As of we knew about these treaties, we demanded a full-stop of them, as it opposes every democratic and values we hold high!

Impressions from the day itself:


2014/05/25 19:20 · prometheus

We are about to update the entire wiki an fill it with content over the past 5 years of our work. This is a process which does not happen from one moment in time to the other a few days later, but we'll get to it.

You can already enjoy our updated entr0py page with all podcasts available and song references.


2014/05/13 12:12 · prometheus

As you might have noticed, we have updated our online appearance quite a bit. We have introduced a landing page at http(s):// and reorganized the wiki for our users and members.

At the end of the day what counts is the that every user is able to find fast and easy what they are looking for. Hopefully we are able to meet the requirements.

Still, if you have any improvements to propose, please get in touch with us. :)

2014/03/09 13:34 · wc3lmin
  • news.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/03/06 10:53
  • by metalgamer