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cryptoparty - Onward!

cryptoparty: Onward! is the first cryptoparty taking place in Luxembourg. We choose the topic Onward! to declare our stand for legal and mass spread cryptography over the world, starting for our corner in world.

When 12th of January 2013, from 10 AM to open end
Where Centre Barblé, rue des Romains (opposite of the commune), L-8041, Strassen, Luxembourg (Europe, Earth)
Map Click here!
Please bring your notebooks!
Time Subject Description User(s)
10h10 Welcome Speech Why? Who? What? virii, rafiot, prometheus
10h20 Cryptography & You A short introduction into cryptography virii, rafiot, trollchen
Time Subject Description Workshop / Lecture User(s)
10h45 Tor What is Tor? Lecture Moritz Bartl
11h15 TrueCrypt Encryption for the masses Lecture virii
11h30 PirateBox Share Freely! Lecture virii
11h45 VPN Setup openVPN setup for fun and profit Lecture trollchen
12h00 XMPP | OTR Why XMPP gives you freedom & OTR keeps your chat sessions as private as never before Lecture prometheus
12h15 gpg Description Lecture rafiot
12h30 metadata What the heck? Lecture prometheus
12h40 Idea - Realization - Media Attention - Aftermath - NOW Lecture prometheus

Starting at 12h45 the lunchbreak should give you some space from everything you just learned. There is the opportunity to get sandwiches from our booth or get something to eat around the cryptoParty location:

  • Pizza Hut
  • Comedia Del Arte
Time Subject Description Workshop / Lecture User(s)
14h00 Running a community which provides Tor nodes Lecture Moritz Bartl
15h15 Oldschool meets Newschool PGP encrypted letters Lecture virii
16h00 let me pass hiding data in ICMP packages Lecture virii
16h15 Just swallow it! Encrypt your Arch Linux system with dm-crypt and hide the keyfile on a MicroSD Card and boot from it. Both prometheus
Subject Description Workshop / Lecture User(s)
XMPP | OTR for Beginners Installing related Software, registering account, til using it will be explained in this workshop. Both prometheus
PirateBox Get your hands dirty Workshop virii

Lightning Talks don't last longer than 5 minutes and are meant to tease your curiosity about a topic or simply to make you aware of a something, you might have not known yet. If you'd like to do a Lighting Talk, please don't hesitate to contact: or ask a staff person on the conference.

A cryptoParty without a really party, wouldn't be a cryptoParty. To conclude the lectures & workshops, we finish up with the Keysigning Party and afterwards focus all our efforts on Club-Mate, the Hackcenter and the good music!

Time Subject Description User(s)
6PM to 8PM KeySigning Party Trust process initialized prometheus
9PM to OpenEnd CryptoParty Music, Tshunk & Hacking everyone


  • events/2013/01/cryptoparty.1436990060.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/11/10 08:58
  • (external edit)