
ChaosMeeting 2021/14

Date 27/09/2021
Time 20:30
Location Mumble
Administrative Council Attendees: metalgamer, virii
Minutes Recording metalgamer
  • The main focus of this project is to promote the use of open source for amateur radio and to plan projects and workshops to engage people and especially the youth into the fun that is radio-communication. (executing a workhop might be possible in the future but for now is not a main target)
  • Future club callsign:
    • After I get my HAM License I would like to get a club callsign for the C3L: LX9CCC And I am looking for consent by my fellow members.
      • Cost would be covered by peter or by the club (will be discussed, when the callsign will be requested)
  • I also invite everyone who has interest in any form of radio-communication to participate in this project. (No HAM-License required)
  • I propose to have a special meeting to address what the members were up to during the pandemic and have an exchange about the club itself and future project ideas. The special Meeting may incorporate some ideas for organizational changes. AKA: maybe some small presentations by the members?
  • Or/And to be a social event with some board games.

On the 1st of October, we (i.e. virii & metalgamer) have a meeting the general secretary of the Chamber to discuss various things.

  • lb/organization/chaosmeetings/2021/cm-2021-14.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/03/06 22:39
  • by metalgamer