ChaosMeeting Minutes - 19/09/2014
- ToDo
- FNF Demo
- NGO Status
- PirateBayProxy & other services
FNF Demo
- The press will be invited. 2 times over the next 7 days.
- Megaphone Authorization: GO.
- Support of Drummers? Not sure yet.
- Whistles? GO.
- We need more sayings!
- All political parties still need to be invited. –> Kelly
- ch4r3l / prometheus will take photographs
- FNF Website needs to be updated:
- Megaphone Back-Up Batteries
NGO Status
- 4th of October: FVDE & C3L Documents
PirateBayProxy & other services
- PirateBayProxy will be reactivated.
- prometheus will contact journalists.
Open Letter: myGovernment
- metalgamer will resend the mail with the final draft.
entr0py 22
- "The Fappening" podcast will be aired. A short discussion is scheduled.
- Folks will address this personally.
C3L Phone Nr.
- We'll get a voIP at VO.