
This is an old revision of the document!

ChaosMeeting 2015/23

Date 30/11/2015
Time 20:00 CET
Location ChaosStuff
  1. ToDo
  2. – virii
  3. Drive to recycling center – prometheus
  4. Refrigerator – rif
  5. Responsibilities ChaosStuff – prometheus
  6. Freifunk – prometheus
  7. Mail Server DKIM – metalgamer

Please, review all ToDo's and update them.

Shouldn't we be listed on the official page as well? At least as supporters?

From Hardfalcon: stell do mol an, dass DKIM-signaturen net just am testbetrieb laafen, mais dass se "richteg" bzw. "stable" sinn - gëtt fir thunderbird btw en addon, mat deem een dkim-signaturen iwwerpréiwe kann

  • organization/chaosmeetings/2015/cm-2015-23.1448834177.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/11/29 22:56
  • by metalgamer