

The Ubertooth One is an Open Hardware & Source project, that aims experimenting and learning about the Bluetooth technology.

We tested the Ubertooth software successfully on the following operating systems:

  • Arch Linux (AUR package inc. all software & dependencies)
  • Mac OS Lion

For those of you, installing packages with the help of yaourt from the AUR, simply search for ubertooth. Everyone else needs to install it manually.

<sxh; title:libbtbb; bash> curl -o libbtbb-2012-10-R1.tar.xz tar xfv libbtbb-2012-10-R1.tar.xz cd libbtbb-2012-10-R1 make sudo make install </sxh> <sxh; title: ubertooth; bash> curl -o ubertooth-2012-10-R1.tar.xz tar xfv ubertooth-2012-10-R1.tar.xz cd ubertooth-2012-10-R1/host make sudo make install </sxh> –> libbtbb-2012-10-R1.tar.xz –> ubertooth-2012-10-R1.tar.xz

The original guide of setup can be found here.


First you need to install MacPorts, then start off with the necessary python libraries for ubertooth-*.

<sxh; bash> sudo port install libusb wget py26-pyside-tools py26-pyusb-devel py26-numpy </sxh>

PyUSB is also available in the repositories of MacPorts, still we installed it manually as described in the official guide.

<sxh; bash> curl -o pyusb-1.0.0a2.tar.gz tar xfv pyusb-1.0.0a2.tar.gz cd pyusb-1.0.0a2 sudo python install </sxh>

<sxh; bash> curl -o libbtbb-2012-10-R1.tar.xz tar xfv libbtbb-2012-10-R1.tar.xz cd libbtbb-2012-10-R1 make osx sudo make osx-install </sxh>


If you follow the official guide like described below, everything will be installed system-wide and work fine. Although, the ubertooth-specan-ui will be missing. To install that as well, please follow the commands, below the next paragraph.

<sxh; title:ubertooth-* ;bash> curl -o ubertooth-2012-10-R1.tar.xz tar xfv ubertooth-2012-10-R1.tar.xz cd ubertooth-2012-10-R1/host/bluetooth_rxtx make sudo make osx-install </sxh>

Update will follow soon

<sxh; title:ubertooth-specan-ui ;bash> cd ubertooth-2012-10-R1/host/specan_ui/ sudo python ./ install python2.6 ubertooth-specan-ui </sxh>

Getting to know Ubertooth was the first goal to attend. You first need a basic understanding of the Bluetooth protocol and operating to understand what's going on in this magical world.

  • projects/security/bluebreak/ubertooth.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/10/10 22:51
  • by wc3lmin