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Project WarXing
Status Running
Contact prometheus

WarXing is the hypernym for every activity that is related to war<put_in_verb_or_noun>ing.

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Laptop, Antenna, GPS - A hackers way to pwn some WiFi

"Wardriving is the act of searching for Wi-Fi wireless networks by a person in a moving vehicle, using a portable computer, smartphone or personal digital assistant (PDA)." ( Source: Wikipedia - Wardriving )

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Common Warchalking signs

"Warchalking is the drawing of symbols in public places to advertise an open Wi-Fi wireless network. Inspired by hobo symbols, the warchalking marks were conceived by a group of friends in June 2002 and publicised by > Matt Jones who designed the set of icons and produced a downloadable document containing them." ( Source: Wikipedia: Warchalking )

We did a radio show about the WarXing culture. Tune in :)


Our 20dBi antenna in action! No, that's not a rocket launcher.


All listed navigation devices work with gpsd.

To visualize your tracks quick and online:

What to do when an Access Point shows up several times, but with slightly different positioning coordinates? –> Coordinates average?

Plug & Play

look for /dev/gps0

Garmin Oregon 450

Garming Oregon 450 +- 220€

<sxh bash;> ~:$ modprobe garmin_gps ~:$ ls /dev | grep ttyUSB0 ttyUSB0 # this should be your device, 0 can differ </sxh>

Connect the device to your computer and choose "No", if being asked to use the Oregon as a mass storage device.

Here's our WifiSec bash startup script:

<sxh bash;> #!/usr/bin/bash

# modprobe first modprobe garmin_gps pid=`pidof gpsd` kill -9 $pid # kill gpsd because fuck you gpsd /dev/ttyUSB0 # restart kismet -f /etc/kismet/wifisec.conf # run kismet with wifisec config </sxh>

  • projects/security/warxing.1633899083.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/10/10 22:51
  • by wc3lmin