Table of Contents

ChaosMeeting 2022/09

Date 04/07/2022
Time 20:10
Location ChaosStuff
Location Opening ~18:00
Administrative Council Attendees: metalgamer, virii, xbr
Minutes Recording metalgamer




- What events should we go to?

  1. Must-Have
  2. Makerfaire
    1. Lack of projects was the main disadvantage for us. We weren't very different to other.
  3. Startup Expo

- Projects

  1. Weatherballon
  2. Events in Events
  3. Promote lockpicking
  4. Electronic Lockpicking
  5. Freifunk
  6. TrafficLights
  7. MembershipCli
  8. Minitel
  9. Porte-Klee
  10. Crypto Bancomat
  11. (VR)

- Stuff

  1. Cases with wheels
  2. Mobile Rack with Switch and WiFi AP (maybe 5G) (not too heavy)
  3. Rollupbanner
  4. Flyeren
  5. DIY Tools Kit
  6. Bildschirm
  7. Wearables
  8. PaymentSystem

- Workshop

  1. Toolless Kits
  2. Foodhacking
  3. Mini Crypto Party