
Social Event #0 - Spark-Up: The S in IoT stands for security!

Date 27/04/2019 - 19:00
Venue ChaosStuff
Description Lectures, socializing & more!
Contact metalgamer
Participants deflenken, orimpe, fantawams, staybehind

Our first social event. Come and socialize with other like-minded people and listen to talks.

The talks will start at around 20:00.

Topic Language Speaker Slides Recording
Introduction to MQTT: A machine-to-machine connectivity protocol LB metalgamer PDF Youtube
Introducing KiCad: Creating PCBs as easy as it gets LB fantawams N/A Youtube
Technical standards for IoT (and standardization in Luxembourg) LB staybehind N/A Youtube

There will be Tschunk.

  • events/2019/04/social_event_0_-_spark-up_the_s_in_iot_stands_for_security.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/10/03 17:25
  • by metalgamer