
This is an old revision of the document!

Annual General Assembly - March 2023

Date 4th of March 2023
Hour 20h00 CET
Where ChaosStuff
  1. Welcome speech
  2. Activity Report 2022
  3. Financial Report 2022
    1. Auditing Report
    2. Budget 2023
  4. Commission Reports
    1. Press Commission
    2. Space Commission
  5. Statute Amendments
  6. Review & Foresight by metalgamer
  7. Elections
    1. Financial Auditors
    2. Commissions
      1. Press Commission
    3. Administrative Council
      1. Secretary & Treasurer
      2. President
  8. Miscellaneous
  9. Closing Event

Note: The order of the day can be changed until the 17th of Feb 2023 at 23h59.

Auditing Report

Budget 2023

Press Commission

Space Commissions

Financial Auditors

Candidates Votes
undetermined 0 YAY / 0 NAY / 0 MEH
undetermined 0 YAY / 0 NAY / 0 MEH


Press Commission
Candidate Votes
virii 0 YAY / 0 NAY / 0 MEH
metalgamer 0 YAY / 0 NAY / 0 MEH

Administrative Council


Candidate Votes
virii 0 YAY / 0 NAY / 0 MEH


Candidate Votes
x 0 YAY / 0 NAY / 0 MEH


Candidate Votes
metalgamer 0 YAY / 0 NAY / 0 MEH

Finished at XX:XX CET

  • organization/ga/2023/03/aga.1676592001.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/02/17 01:00
  • by xbr