
ChaosMeeting 2015/24

Date 07/12/2015
Time 20:00 CET
Location ChaosStuff
  1. ToDo
  2. External Services – prometheus
  3. Drive to recycling center – prometheus
  4. RCSL Statuten Update – orimpe
  5. Internet Accessibility – prometheus
  6. Trac Installation – prometheus
  7. ALUGL 2015/01 & Birthday Party – prometheus
  8. Staatstrojaner – prometheus

Pls use our RequestTracker.

Every member should take notice of the fact not to subscribe C3L members or club any

metalgamer will validate the new Statutes at Home ;)

prometheus will send an official request letter to the commune this week.

Meeting: 12/12/2015 @ 14h00 in front of ChaosStuff.

We'll install Trac on C3L tonight. You're welcome to sholder surf.

Save the date: alugl-2015-01
There will be cake for prometheus' birthday.

We'll buy a rockinghorse. Ask virii for details.

  • organization/chaosmeetings/2015/cm-2015-24.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/01/29 22:17
  • by metalgamer