
ChaosMeeting 2015/25

Date 21/12/2015
Time 20:00 CET
Location ChaosStuff
  1. ToDo
  2. order the sticker of our new project – orimpe
  3. last preparations 32C3 – orimpe
  4. do we need a digital oscilloscope? – fantawams

Pls use our RequestTracker.

orimpe will sponsor 2000 stickers for our *secret* project.

Stuff we will take from the chaosstuff with us to the congress:

  • 2 Freifunk Routers
  • Stickerbox
  • LAN-Cables

fantawams will bring one for free!

  • organization/chaosmeetings/2015/cm-2015-26.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/01/29 22:18
  • by metalgamer