ChaosMeeting 2016/11
Date | 21/03/2016 |
Time | 20:00 CET |
Location | ChaosStuff |
- Chaosstuff logo - virii
- Spaceapi - metalgamer
- Kitchenstuff (Hotdog, Waffeleisen, prize list etc) - fantawams
- letter to "Fondation du Grand-Duc et de la Grande-Duchesse" - prometheus
Chaosstuff logo
We have a new Logo Logo, and order a Stamp (with some Hacker passports)
metalgamer updated the spaceapi, now the users can get an account, ask metalgamer, in order to update the ChaosStuff Status by self.
We need new (and better) wieners for the Hotdog maker, fantawams will buy the Hotdogs and sponsor waffle iron, we need also some kitchen paper.
letter to "Fondation du Grand-Duc et de la Grande-Duchesse"
The Repaire Cafe and C3L writing a letter to the Fondation to get some sponsorship.
Pls use our RequestTracker.