
ChaosMeeting 2016/29

Date 25/07/2016
Time 20:00 CEST
Location ChaosStuff

from ChaosMeeting 2016-26

Assignment Member Deadline
write the letter to Assange. virii coming soon
Bällebad nadine ~
modify membership paper - minors member metalgamer 07/2016
printing Donation-gifts fantawams 01/08/2016
make a gift to the Circl Team Members 14/10/2016
write some invitations to our inauguration orimpe 05/10/2016
write to MixVoip orimpe /
fix a urbex date photo nerds 22/08/2016

orimpe brings

  • Flora Power no transport viable m(
  • Tor poster
  • Donation box
  • Kabeltrommel

Our GPN Talk was inspiring, some German folks want to create a Android App like Conversations… more informations follow.

After the 20 Aug. we fix a new urbex date.
Luxembourg → outland
photo nerds

entr0py Encore is the new Potcast recorded by metalgamer

  • organization/chaosmeetings/2016/cm-2016-29.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/10/10 22:51
  • by wc3lmin