
ChaosMeeting 2016/44

Date 21/11/2016
Time 20:00
Location ChaosStuff
Location Opening ~18:00

from ChaosMeeting 2016-43

Assignment Member Deadline
modify membership paper - minors member metalgamer 07/2016
call Marx to ask about the keys (waiting for an official answer) fantawams 12/2016
check funding from the commune Kiischpelt Freifunk Team 21/11/2016

First: Post and VDL rdv matters.
Now: rdv for Saturday, but the cable was not included so canceled
What we do: we have to make a demand to put the cable. And we got a new rdv at VO. ( we have to make a rdv with the VDL and us to put the cable)
Mr Marx is only for the Internet connection, and not for the cable. Internet

Mr Marx was at the ChaosStuff and have take the Keysnumbers. So the VDL is ordering more keys for our rooms.(but we have still no official response)

They organise a mini maker fair in the weekend of 2017-03-25 to 26. It will be amazing to join this conference.

metalgamer & orimpe will join the inauguration of Maschienendeck Trier.

We was at the comune Kiirschpelt, take picutres of potential Hotspot locations. The devis is in the works. We still work on our Flyers.

  • organization/chaosmeetings/2016/cm-2016-44.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/01/30 09:41
  • by metalgamer