
ChaosMeeting 2017/16

Date 01/05/2017
Time 20:00
Location ChaosStuff
Location Opening ~18:00
Administrative Council Attendees metalgamer, virii, orimpe
Minutes Recording martianhumorist

Check our Request Tracker

  • Virii reports added to request tracker - press requests will generate tickets.
  • Virii reports improvements made to request tracker to improve information flow and spam control.
  • Miscellaneous questions pertaining to internal organization were raised.
  • Virii reported creation of portable standard "Installation Kit" for routers, but noted that a multi-plug and other tools were still required.
  • metalgamer suggested purchase of a network cable testing device. The members present agreed with the principle of the suggestion.
  • Virii reported that a café at Holzthum known to some of the members present agreed to take on a Freifunk router, but noted that some technical difficulties had arisen.
  • The merits of different solutions to these issues were debated by members present.
  • metalgamer reported that the gateway's certificate had expired. George had applied a fix, resolving the issue.
  • The incident suggested to metalgamer the possibility of extending remote access to Freifunk servers in order to distribute and streamline administrative efforts. The members present agreed with the principle of the suggestion.
  • Virii reported that additional routers had been purchased and that the supply was secure for the foreseeable future.
  • Virii suggested that action be taken in order to render the page more attractiive. It was suggested that one or more members be tasked with writing blog posts so as to generate favourable publicity. metalgamer volunteered to keep the blog up to date. No oppostion was voiced and the motion passed without being put to the vote.
  • Virii noted that data transfer capabilities were nearly completely committed and suggested the introduction of redundancies to even load and increase fault tolerance. Such measures were found to be feasible within the current budget, with costs found to average 20 Euros per month. A choice of providers was discussed, and the members present agreed with the principle of the suggestion.
  • Virii reported that regular chaosmeetings on Monday were being phased out as the main decision-making process, to be replaced by a weekly alternance of open 'Chaos Meetups' and Chaosmeetings proper, with important discussions being scheduled for Chaosmeetings only. Chaosmeetings should also be members-only.
  • metalgamer and orimpe objected to the proposal, since it disrupted the publicity effort for open monday nights.
  • metalgamer pointed out that the primary cause of delayed or interrupted chaosmeetings was lax enforcement of schedule rather than the absence of dedicated timeslots.
  • orimpe noted that the original suggestion had only been to encourage visitors through the 'Chaos-meetup' drive.
  • martianhumorist suggested that the spaceAPI be used to gather typical opening hours information for publication.
  • metalgamer blamed the lack of attendance on insufficient communication above all.
  • It was agreed to define 'Meetups' negatively, by the absence or presence of Chaosmeetings on Mondays.
  • Attendees of the No-spy Conference in Stuttgart exchanged organizational Information.
  • Denkt drun, Stickeren matzehuelen vun denen 2 Asblen. Keint der mer och bescheet soen weini der +- wollt fort fueren dann kann ech mein Zuchticket kaafen. -orimpe
  • A suitable date was discussed. Saturdays and Mondays were both considered. June 5th and 19th were considered.
  • June 19th was agreed upon by all members present.
  • metalgamer reported that steps had been taken to adjust control of club accounts to reflect new internal organization.
  • As treasurer, virii reported that club addresses had been updated.
  • metalgamer reported that club funds had been used for supermarket purchases, with our debit card, which was unknown to him, that we had one.
  • The matter of responsibility for communication and billing with the insurance company was discussed.

Review of the minutes was deferred and the meeting concluded.

  • organization/chaosmeetings/2017/cm-2017-16.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/01/30 00:02
  • by metalgamer