
Here you can find all the known bugs on the FreiFunk project and how to solve them.

Keep in mind,that installing an experimental firmware on a router may brick the device. It should only be installed to test new firmware and new hardware.
Firmware version Bug Solution
2.0.3 knows only old GW1 update to at least Version 2.3
2.0.5 knows only old GW1 update to at least Version 2.3
2.1.0 does not know new GW3 update to at least Version 2.3
2.1.0 auto-update bug, nodes stuck in boot loop on firmware update POWER OFF/POWER ON node. Update to at least Version 2.3. If update is not possible, re-flashing the node needs to be done.
2.1.1 does not know new GW3 update to new Version
2.1.1 auto-update bug, nodes stuck in boot loop on firmware update POWER OFF/POWER ON node. Update to at least Version 2.3. If update is not possible, re-flashing the node needs to be done.
2.2.0~exp20181221 NO LAN IPV4, comes from network /
2.2.0~exp20181221 No config mode webgui after firmware update re-flashing the node
2.2.0~exp20190328 NO LAN IPV4, comes from network /
2.2.0~exp20190328 No config mode webgui after firmware update re-flashing the node
2.2.0~exp20190717 NO LAN IPV4, comes from network /
2.2.0~exp20190909 NO LAN IPV4, comes from network. contact info is not mandatory /
< 2020.X does not know new GW2 update the node to at least Gluon 2020.x
< 2020.2.3 does not know new GW1 update the noew at least Gluon 2020.2.3
IP distribution on nodes, some times no IPV4 some time IPV4 and IPV6, no differnence if node is connected to GW2 or GW3 / solved reboot the node
Failover not working from GW2 to GW3 / reason found, under monitoring
  • projects/freifunk/bugs.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/10/19 20:32
  • by fantawams