
Neopixel Goggles

Name Neopixel Goggles
Description Fancy goggles with neopixel rings
Status Finished successfully
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Use the Trinket-Powered NeoPixel Goggle Kit Pack from Adafruit. You can buy it either at Adafruit or locally at Electronic-Shop.

I used a heavily modified version of NeoPatterns. You can find the code in the repository. It currently uses 5046 bytes.

You have different configuration parameters that can be changed in the beginning of the file.

Name Description
PIN The pin number, where the neopixel rings are attached. Default: 0
BRIGHTNESS Set the brightness of all LEDs. Default: 64
MODE_CHANGE_TIME The number of milliseconds between changing modes. Default: 10000 (10 seconds)
COLOR_MIN The lower bound for the random color for the following modes: ColorWipe, DoubleColorWipe, Scanner, DoubleScanner, Random, DoubleRandom, Blink, Dot. Default: 0
COLOR_MAX The upper bound for the random color. Default: 255
STEPS_MIN The lower bound for the random number of steps used in the following modes: Random, DoubleRandom, Blink, Dot. Default: 5
STEPS_MAX The upper bound for the random number of steps. Default: 10
SLOW_INTERVAL_MIN The lower bound for the random interval for the following modes: ColorWipe, DoubleColorWipe, Scanner, DoubleScanner, Random, DoubleRandom, Dot. Default: 25
SLOW_INTERVAL_MAX The upper bound for the random interval. Default: 55
RAINBOW_CYCLE_MIN_INTERVAL The lower bound for the random interval of the RainbowCycle mode. Default: 1
RAINBOW_CYCLE_MAX_INTERVAL The upper bound for the random interval of the RainbowCycle mode. Default: 10
BLINK_MIN_INTERVAL The lower bound for the random interval of the Blink mode. Default: 250
BLINK_MAX_INTERVAL The upper bound for the random interval of the Blink mode. Default: 500

Rainbow Cycle

Your classic rainbow cycle.

Color Wipe

Fill the all the LED's with one color, one by one.

Double Color Wipe

Same as the Color Wipe, just fill the two sides at the same time.


Double Scanner


Random colors at random places.

Double Random

Blink all the led's with one color.


Light up one LED at a time.

  • projects/wearables/neopixel_goggles.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/09/24 23:41
  • by peter