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Arch Linux User Group Luxembourg (ALUGL)

The Arch Linux User Group Luxembourg, or abbreviated ALUGL, is the official Arch Linux user group in Luxembourg, Europe.

A user group is simply put a group of people, interested in the same, here, technological topic. The ALUGL meets once a month in the ChaosStuff to discuss about Arch Linux in general, see how we can do our part to support the global Arch community, organize local events related to our favorite distribution or simply give one another a hand to fix issues or improve a system.

  • AUR package maintaining
  • Regular Meet-ups
  • Keeping the official Arch Linux wiki up2date
  • Lectures, Workshops, Hands-On walkthrough
  • Tutorials

Every person or AI is very welcomed to join us. Usually we meet and discuss in real life and additionally discuss online, to keep a track for those of us whom weren't able to join the meetings.

You are free to join our mailing list to stay updated on the latest meetings, events and proposed activities.

We try to help the Arch Linux community by maintaining packages, editing the Arch Linux wiki, hosting meetings and much more. Come a long and talk to us about how you want to contribute or send us a mail on where help is needed, so we can divert our manpower.

Down below a few projects ALUGL is working on:

Don't take the following paragraphs to serious. It does reflect the truths, however with an ironic touch. :)

A little earlier before HaxoGreen's first edition, prometheus was experimenting with Arch Linux and fell instantly in love with it. metalgamer & slopjong joined shortly after and at some very late point in time at some strange night the three of these decided to found the ALUGL.

Since, give or take a few months, the Arch Linux user group in Luxembourg has been brought into being around late 2010. In 2011, these brave Luxembourgish pioneers, took the huge effort upon their shoulders to travel to unknown territory in order to meet others of their kind. That first, outer-Luxembourgish-terrain meeting took place at FOSDEM 2011 in BigMama's; which has become, since that exact moment in time, the most favorite restaurant of C3L members in Brussels.

  • usergroups/alugl.1633274190.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/10/03 17:16
  • by metalgamer