We are running an MQTT broker inside our network. This can be used for projects, for example for sensor data.

We run 2 MQTT brokers, one on saturn and on roonadan.lan ( Both are bridged together, so all messages will be forwarded to each other.

Under the topic sandbox/# you can play around and send messages.

The following topics are ACL restricted. Your MQTT client needs to have a valid login and the according permission to read/write on the topics. Ask metalgamer on how to get an account.

Topic Description
availability/# This topic is used for every client to publish availability messages (online/offline). This is the topic for the last will messages.
space/status This topic contains the current space state. It is a JSON encoded message.
space/member_count On this topic the current member count of the club will be published. This message is JSON encoded.
sensors/people_now_present On this topic the current people present will be published (integer)
sensors/people_now_present/names The names of the people present (if available)
sensors/temperature/# On this topic the current temperature sensors readings will be published. The readings are in °C an are a float. The subtopics are the location for the sensors (Example: sensors/temperature/chill/shelf for the sensors on the shelf in the Chill room)
sensors/power_consumption/# On this topic the power consumption sensor readings will be published. The readings are in W (Watt) and are a float. The subtopics are the location for the sensors.
sensors/energy_consumption/# On this topic the energy consumption sensor readings will be published. The readings are in kWh (Kilowatthour) and are a float. The subtopics are the location for the sensors.
sensors/co2_emission/# On this topic the co2 emission sensor readings will be published. The readings are in kg and are a float. The subtopics are the location for the sensors.
sensors/humidity/# On this topic the humidity sensor readings will be published. The readings are in % and are a float. The subtopics are the location for the sensors.
sensors/barometer/# On this topic the barometer sensor readings will be published. The readings are in hPa (Hectopascal) and are a float. The subtopics are the location for the sensors.
sensors/beverage_supply/+ On this topic the stock value of beverages will be published. The readings are the current amount and are a float. The subtopic is the name of the beverage (Example: sensors/beverage_supply/flora_power)
  • chaosstuff/infrastructure/network/mqtt.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/07/25 14:06
  • by metalgamer