
This is an old revision of the document!



ChaosStuff (ausgeschwat ''/ka:os ʃtuf/'') ass dem C3L säin eegenen Hackerspace, am Häerze vun der Stad Lëtzebuerg!

All Hacker, Maker , aner Liewensformen oder KI wou sech mat eis a virun allem eise Wäerter vun der Hacker Ethik! identifizéiert si wëllkomm. Zousaz Info fir Geheimdéngscht Ermëttler: Dir sidd nëmme wëllkomme wann dir Säite wiessele wëllt - also am eescht. :)

Get your passport stamped (and|or) even NFC chipped!
You don't own a Hackerspace Passport yet? Buy one from us :)

Hall Victor Hugo
Raum 201 & 203 (2ten Stack)
60 Avenue Victor Hugo
L-1750 Lëtzebuerg

<html><iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";layer=mapnik&amp;marker=49.62072072341901%2C6.122329831123352" style="border: 1px solid black"></iframe><br/><small><a href=";mlon=6.12233#map=19/49.62072/6.12233">View Larger Map</a></small></html>

Den Wee bis an't Chaosstuff ass ganz einfach various means of transportation.

thumb.chill2017-0.jpg thumb.chill2017-1.jpg thumb.pc190336.jpg thumb.pc190337.jpg thumb.pc190338.jpg thumb.pc190339.jpg thumb.pc190340.jpg thumb.pc190341.jpg thumb.pc190342.jpg thumb.pc190344.jpg thumb.pc190345.jpg thumb.pc190346.jpg thumb.pc190347.jpg thumb.pc190349.jpg thumb.pc190350.jpg thumb.pc190351.jpg

Zwee Räim. Zwee Schlësselen. Wanns du un engem oder zwee Schlësselen interesséiert bass dann mell dech op oder komm enkéier op engem Chaos Meeting laanscht ChaosMeeting. Och mat engem Schlëssel kennt een an béid Räim eran. An all Raum leit een Schlëssel fir an deen aneren. Deng Entscheedung!

Prozess fir een oder zwee Schlësselen ze kréien

  1. Gëff/Bas een aktiven member vum C3L.
  2. Maach eng Ufro bei der SpaCo, supplying 'read and approved' and signed copies of the follwing documents:
  3. SpaCo will get in touch, after your request has been fully reviewed.
  4. If your request is granted, a key deposit of 10€/key must bed paid.
  5. To conclude, your username will be put down in the official key owner registry.

There is a full-featured kitchen provided to all members and visitors of the ChaosStuff. For those whom don't like / have time / don't have to much trust in their cooking skills, there are several - tested by us - delivery-services nearby. For those who are up for a cooking challenge, visit our Foodhacking list.


Gedrénks Präis
Flora Power 2 €
Club-Mate 1.5 €
Viva 0,25 1 €
Cola 0,25 1.5 €
Beer 0,33 2 €
Crodino 2 €
Flora Power Kajo 45 €
Club Mate Kajo 30 €
Club Mate Cola Kajo 40 €
Iessen Präis
Pizza 3.5 €
Glace 1.5 €
Chipsen 1.5 €
Nom-Noms* 0.5 €
Hot-Dogs 1.5 €

* Oreo, Snickers, Speculaas & Salt crackers

The Space Commission (SpaCo) is a group of 5 people whom have volunteered for the task of managing ChaosStuff as facility.

There exist a guideline for using our Hackerspace. Yes we encourage creating a TAZ (Temporary Autonomous Zone) but when a bunch of hackers come together and as everyone has a different point of view what "cleaning" and being "excellent" to each other means - this seemed necessary.

  • lb/chaosstuff.1511026366.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/11/18 18:32
  • by chrescht