
This is an old revision of the document!

ChaosMeeting 2022/03

Date 07/03/2022
Time 20:00
Location ChaosStuff
Location Opening ~16:00
Administrative Council Attendees: metalgamer, virii, xbr
Minutes Recording

Wiki Updates

The wiki no longer load resources from external sources (i.e. cloudflare). We use the MathJax plugin, that normally loads it's javascript files from a CDN. To fix this, we now provide the files ourselves.

Soldering Area

Matrix SpaceApiBot

We have now a dedicated Matrix SpaceApiBot. It can do all the same things, as the XMPP one. It just doesn't connect to the MUC channel, as this is handled by the XMPP bot.

To use it just chat with


The raspberrypi on the bar is now used for the stockcli application. With this, the space can manage the stock (i.e. transfering, add, updating etc…). In the future it should also be able to handle the library.


The membershipform now accepts also SatisPay and the Payconiq/DigiCash feature was updated to the now API.

  • lb/organization/chaosmeetings/2022/cm-2022-04.1646476678.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/03/05 11:37
  • by metalgamer