ChaosMeeting 2022/09
Date | 04/07/2022 |
Time | 20:10 |
Location | ChaosStuff |
Location Opening | ~18:00 |
Administrative Council Attendees: | metalgamer, virii, xbr |
Minutes Recording | metalgamer |
- Events - metalgamer
- What events should we go to? (Audience)
- Makerfaire with children?
- with business?
- etc.
- What stuff do we need for events?
- e.g. Network rack
- What projects should we bring?
- Blinkenlights attract people
- Big projects are impressive
- etc.
- What workshops should we do?
- @Makerfaire: the campfire and dice took too long: 1.25h / 20m (with help), respectively
- Maybe workshops where multiple people can participate
- What events should we go to?
- Must-Have
- Makerfaire
- Lack of projects was the main disadvantage for us. We weren't very different to other.
- Startup Expo
- Projects
- Weatherballon
- Events in Events
- Promote lockpicking
- Electronic Lockpicking
- Freifunk
- TrafficLights
- MembershipCli
- Minitel
- Porte-Klee
- Crypto Bancomat
- (VR)
- Stuff
- Cases with wheels
- Mobile Rack with Switch and WiFi AP (maybe 5G) (not too heavy)
- Rollupbanner
- Flyeren
- DIY Tools Kit
- Bildschirm
- Wearables
- PaymentSystem
- Workshop
- Toolless Kits
- Foodhacking
- Mini Crypto Party