
ChaosMeeting 2016/19

Date 16/05/2016
Time 20:00 CEST
Location ChaosStuff
  1. Postponement of inauguration – prometheus
  2. Cryptoparty (18.05) – prometheus
  3. '16 – prometheus
  4. GPN – prometheus
  5. SD Card reader – metalgamer
  6. Nom Noms – metalgamer
  7. Picture – orimpe

from ChaosMeeting 2016-18

Assignment Member Deadline
Get in touch with Mr. MARX of VDL to clarify the process of Internet access. prometheus Next CM
[✓ prometheus, 2016-05-02]Get in touch with adulau to discuss '16 participation. prometheus Next CM
[✓ prometheus, 2016-05-10]Prepare inauguration invitations. prometheus 04/05/2016
Send inauguration invitations. orimpe 01/09/2016
Fix an agenda for the discussed events. Members Next CM
make a gift to the Circl Team Members 14/10/2016
write the letter to Assange. virii 23/05/2016

Some members proposed to postponed the inauguration. prometheus is also in favor of it, as we don't have a projector yet and due to the fact the invitations weren't finished up. May be while Or in late September?

The new date of the inauguration is 15th October 2016.
  • prometheus will bring the camera gear
  • Who brings the microphones / recording device –> metalgamer

No reply yet. The mail is arrived. prometheus should resend the email.

orimpe donate a SD card reader!

metalgamer have buy :

  • ice cream —> 1,5€
  • pizza
  • and Nom Noms ( Chacha, leo, snikers )

We still need bottled water 1,5L .

Next CM. orimpe will bring the percussion drill, to mount the pictures.

  • organization/chaosmeetings/2016/cm-2016-19.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/01/30 09:46
  • by metalgamer