
ChaosMeeting 2016/20

Date 23/05/2016
Time 20:00 CEST
Location ChaosStuff
  1. cryptoParty & Rotondes Aftermath – prometheus
  2. cryptoParty & C3L / Hacker Photography @ PCE – prometheus
  3. '16 – prometheus
  4. Donation-gifts – fantawams

from ChaosMeeting 2016-19

Assignment Member Deadline
Get in touch with Mr. MARX of VDL to clarify the process of Internet access. prometheus Next CM
Fix an agenda for the discussed events. Members Next CM
make a gift to the Circl Team Members 14/10/2016
write the letter to Assange. virii 23/05/2016
printing Donation-gifts fantawams 01/08/2016
  • 6 months no joint events, so both sides can rethink the concept of the offered cryptoPartys
  • The 'Rotondes' are still out partners
  • deflenken will still manage the cryptoParty's Facebook site in the future
  • After the 'corporate identity' has been set for C3L, drafts will be send to Ornella & Yves for review.
  • 15/07/2016, 20h00 @ PCE in Esch/Uelzecht
  • prometheus will talk about the most essential parts of securing devices and people's digital life's. It will be adapted specifically to a photography and elderly audience.
  • Everyone one is welcome to join, just ping prometheus
  • Apart from cryptopartying, prometheus will show off an entire collection of photographs taken on various hacker events.
prometheus will get in touch with the PCE and c3l Members
  • @adulau confirmed C3L's opportunity of participation
  • he'll ping us for our suggested activities, events and a new way of generating funds for Tor as soon as they're at it on their agenda
  • (!) Whomever would like to sleep at the conference, needs to send prometheus a mail, so he can arrange hotel reservations. Deadline: this week. (!)

fantawams design some gifts to 3d print.

  • ChaosStuff
  • C3L
  • Frënn vun der Ënn
  • organization/chaosmeetings/2016/cm-2016-20.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/01/30 09:46
  • by metalgamer