
ChaosMeeting 2017/03

Date 16/01/2017
Time 20:00
Location ChaosStuff
Location Opening ~18:15

from ChaosMeeting 2017-02

Assignment Member Deadline
modify membership paper - minors member metalgamer 07/2016
check state of Internet fantawams 02/2017

orimpe was at the Inauguratioun of the EM@B03 Makerspace. The have now a nice equipped room.


21th Januar, we check our UM1 and decide if and what we buy.

  • Freifunk, flyer Router- und Stickerkosten
  • CryptoParty, flyer und Stickerkosten
  • Frënn vun der Ënn, T-Shirt funding
  • SETI Box
  • Encryptia
  • 3D Drucker funding

We work on it.

We order the flyer ASAP.

metalgamer setup the ticket system pretix for our hackyard 17.
Start pre-sale 3 weeks after our AG. We use our wiki, and create hackyard "users" for our attenders.

2x 10Gb Networkcard form a anonym donor.

Easy, date for the RC 17 is official.

  • 18feb
  • 18 märz
  • 22 mee - 72 Benevolat Hall Victor Hugo
  • 27mee - DIY Rotondes

22-23 Abrëll Geesseknäppchen

  • organization/chaosmeetings/2017/cm-2017-03.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/01/30 00:03
  • by metalgamer