

We are happy to announce, that the first stand-alone version of [h]ackyard was a full success. Internet was stable at an average rate of 21 Mbit down and 3 Mbit up, no deads, but a few injured hackers and a fabulous ambience amongst attendees.

A flashback in numbers:

Attendees: 19 (17 adults & 2 kids)
Antennas: 3
Tshunks: too much
Club-Mate: 3 crates
Viva 0,25: 2 crates
Cola 0,25: 1 crates
Beer 0,33: 1 crate
Hammocks: 6
Bars: 1 and a half
Firewood: 15 crates
Colourized lights: 3

Visual impressions will be referenced on the regarding wiki page.

We'll be back next year; harder, better, faster, stronger, hackier.

2016/09/11 10:37 · prometheus

Let's help to make digital Luxembourg great again!
As every new project nowadays needs a fancy website, the Chaos Computer Club Lëtzebuerg took the chance and released one to promote and inform the public about the State-Trojan (because obviously the government failed to do so). Germany showed us how to introduce and "securely" deploy such software. Now our government wants to follow this brilliance by introducing a State-Trojan made in Luxembourg.

So we invite all of you to visit the official website about Luxembourg's State-Trojan:

Check out our satirical website about Luxembourg's State-Trojan.

2016/04/02 22:05 · virii

Thanks to the amazing effort put it by each of every member of this association, the Stuff - as we like to call it in Luxembourgish language - is flourishing and evolving at a very fast pace.

There are no pictures yet, as we have hundreds of them and they still need to be processed before the upload. Still, if you are interested in how it looks in here, go get a preview at our Twitter feed, on which we regularly update the situation in here.

As business as usual, the ChaosStuff is open to everyone. Still, if you'd like to visit at a time where a member of ours even has the time to accommodate you and give you a few explanations, Mondays between 18h15 and 20h00 are the right times to pop in.

After this, you are still very welcomed to stay with us during the ChaosMeeting.

By the way, the coming Saturday (2016/03/05) we'll proceed with this' year General Assembly of the association. So, don't mind popping by to pay us a visit.

We'll open at 2PM.

Hack on!

2016/03/01 01:07 · prometheus

It took us months of striving Luxembourg and lots of discussion, when we'll finally be able to find a new home for the Chaos Computer Club Lëtzebuerg. Ironically, our new home is only separated by one parallel street from our very first meeting point - Seppl.

More to come tomorrow. :)

All of our keyboard strokes have been heard by the almighty Tux! :)

We are proud to announce that we have moved in our own hackerspace. It's still nameless until the next Monday, but I'll keep you update here on the blog. :)

Have some impressions here. :)

2015/06/23 18:52 · prometheus

It's always the same story. First there needs to happen something and become public, before most politicians will act. At the moment an inconvenient side-effect of politics, which needs to be tackled in the near future.

What's now to be tackled once and for all, is this unfettered global surveillance by intelligence services, among our favorites NSA, GCHQ & BND. All others are meant as well, tough may be not mentioned here.

In plain text?

Intelligence services should be banned to history books; in other words: they need to be disestablished!

In order to clarify matters, the Luxembourgish government should have called an investigation committee into life right after the groundbreaking revelations by Edward Snowden.

Hopefully they will now.

Their is an entire list of things we could come up with to counteract such offenses to the sovereignty of a country and the European Union. One of them to be done right away: summon the ambassador to the United of America to one of our responsible Ministers for this subject.

We will follow the future events in this matter closely and also publish an official press release as soon as more information become available and we have positioned ourselves with our member base.

2015/05/18 22:09 · prometheus

Since 2008 C3L tries to raise a awareness for privacy and the fact of having a transparent government, instead of a transparent citizen. It's hard and rock way.

Here, in Eire, the NGO Digital Rights Ireland, organized a conference about privacy, data protection and data security in general.

The schedule is quite busy and parallel talks seem to be the normal way of procedure as well.

We'll keep you up to date from DRE2015 in this very post here.

chrescht & prometheus

2015/04/15 16:00 · prometheus

Der Chaos Computer Club Letzebuerg (C3L) zeigt sich besorgt, bezüglich der Aussage von Minister François Bausch im heute ausgestrahlten Interview auf RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg, zur neuen Fussgängerbrücke unter der Adolphe-Brücke.

Eine helle Beleuchtung und Kameraüberwachung soll die Sicherheit der Passanten und Fahrradfahrer gewährleisten. Obwohl ersteres eine zu begrüßende Maßnahme ist, überwiegt letztere allerdings schwerwiegend mit einer sehr negativen Konnotation.

Im Rahmen unseres Auftrages, Bürger- und Menschenrechte zu schützen, hätten wir folgende Fragen an die Verantwortlichen, welche nur ein Bruchteil von vielen sind:

Wer wird das Kamerasystem betreiben? Wie lange werden die Videodateien gespeichert? Wo werden sie gespeichert? Wie ist es um die Sicherheit dieser Daten bestellt? Wird auch der Audioverkehr mitgeschnitten? Welche Massnahmen werden getroffen, um die Privatsphäre der in den Videos auftauchenden Menschen zu schützen, im Falle eines nicht staatlichen Systems?

Für die Osterferien schlagen wir den Verantwortlichen vor, sich mit den Schlüsselbegriffen „alternatives Sicherheitskonzept“ auseinander zu setzen. Wenn man diese in einer Suchmaschine eingibt, kommt man schnell auf anwendbare Konzepte, welche keine Kamerasysteme vorsehen und auf Alternativen zur „Sicherung“ des öffentlichen Raumes setzen.

Auch gewählte Politiker und ihre Berater dürfen sich das Wissen des Internets zu Eigen machen, und erfolgreiche Ideen und Konzepte übernehmen.

Dass grüne Minister es nicht sonderlich genau mit Wahlversprechen in Bezug auf Grundrechte nehmen, ist nichts Neues. Solch eine Aussage, zeigt nun einmal mehr die alternativlose Sicherheitspolitik dieser Regierung. erklärt Jan GUTH.

Der Chaos Computer Club Lëtzebuerg verbleibt auch dieses Mal wieder mit dem Angebot an die Regierung und Gemeinden, auf der Suche nach alternativen Lösungen ein Ansprechpartner zu sein.

2015/04/03 00:14 · prometheus

In our opinion, a cryptoParty needs to be in a cozy place without too much of an academic touch. Meaning: there will be 30 minutes of lectures at most and the rest of the time will solely be used to answer peoples questions and show them how to safeguard their data.

We are glad about the fact, that Carré Rotondes offered us the opportunity to host the event at their great place, which has a long story of events by activists fighting for the right cause and offers exactly the frame we were looking for!

So, if you are interested in how to protect your data and communications from curious companies and governments, this cryptoParty will be the event you need to attend to!

Let's hack towards a better future!

2015/03/05 11:20 · prometheus

Finally, we have made it again. FOSDEM conference has started yesterday evening in Delirium bar with the traditional beer event. Lots of brewed beverages to choose from and above everything else, a lovely and heartwarming community to talk wiwikth.

However, the 'real thing' is always to start on Saturday morning with the first keynote. I guess, it is not necessary for me to point out, the motivation of attendees, pictured on the right.

As the conference has just kicked-off, there is not much to report just yet, but I will keep you up2date throughout the day in this very blog post.

Stay tuned via @c3l on Twitter! Or gold old RSS. ;)


You can find impressions about FOSDEM 2015 here.

2015/01/31 11:50 · prometheus
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  • Last modified: 2022/03/06 10:53
  • by metalgamer