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Unsere ChaosMeetings sind normalerweise jeden zweiten Montag um 20 Uhr in der ChaosStuff. Kommt auch mal auf ein Meet-Up. Hier ist jeder herzlich willkommen.

Wir sind momentan:


Within the scope of the OpenSquare events hosted by Carré Rotondes, the Chaos Computer Club Lëtzebuerg (C3L) invites you to an information evening about daily mass-surveillance in Luxembourg.

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems have been massively deployed in public and private areas over the past two decades throughout the country. The more technological knowledge and implementation methods evolve, the more these digital all-seeing eyes are able to spy on us, on every hour, every day.

Since years, C3L is calling attention to the endangerments to citizen and human rights, radiating by these systems.

In order to depict the violations of privacy, exercised by these systems; we aim at nothing less, than, informing citizens about their rights, possible dangers, reasonable deployment areas, prevention measures as protections from these always on the watch lenses.

19h00 Doors
19h30 Welcome speech by Jan GUTH
19h35 CCTV – You are never alone presented by Jan GUTH, Sam GRÜNEISEN & Claude FRENTZ
20h15 Technical Demonstration
20h50 Conclusion
21h00 Questions & Answers

The rest of the evening can be enjoyed, while socializing at the bar or get in depth explanations by C3L members in the homelike setting offered by Carré Rotondes.

In the hope to see many of you at the event.

for the Chaos Computer Club Lëtzebuerg

2014/10/16 01:18 · prometheus
  • de/bootstrap.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/03/14 17:57
  • by metalgamer