SpaCo 2017/02

Date 22/04/2017
Time 18:30 CET
Location ChaosStuff
  • Stock (Gedrénks, Iessen, Snaks)
  • Roulement fir akafen ze goen
  • Raumen (Dreck erofdroen)
  • Victor Hugo Syndicat / Kontrakt
  • S Street
  • Stock
    • 30 Flora
    • 13 Mate
    • 0 Ice Tea Mate
  • to buy
    • Oreo cookies [2 yay 1 nay 2 meh]
    • Crodino + Jus
    • Hotdogs Stuff
  • Pizza's
  • 4

Fanta's turn


If we got our Internet, we have to ask the VDL for our contact.

Moosen: 60cm x 36,5cm radius 25mm

fantawams lend us his Printer.

Ever member is directed to wash his dish after the Meeting.

  • organization/commissions/space/2017-02.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/01/29 18:07
  • by metalgamer