
There are different means to get in touch with us: Sending a mail to or over at Twitter: @c3l_. Press & Media should use or call +352-27-40-20-30. Please note that we are all doing voluntary work here. Do not expect immediate responses! There are simply no office hours. Secondly, we are not a computer repair shop. Don't contact us to ask if we can fix your computer. Also read this FAQ, before contacting us.

You can also visit us in our hackerspace ChaosStuff. See also our Guidelines.

We have a publicly-available Channel on our XMPP and Matrix server. Everyone is welcome to join and chat with us:

  • XMPP:
  • Matrix:

A summary of events and activities taking place in the near future, is featured down below. For a full list, please consider the events page or subscribe to our atom feed.

ChaosMeetings will usually take place every second Monday at 8 PM in the ChaosStuff. Check out the Meet-Up. Everyone is very welcomed to join us and contribute in whatever form, which is helpful to our causes!

We are currently:


Today, 35 years ago, the Chaos Computer Club was founded in Berlin. Back in these days, Hackers were still a sub-culture which were looked very negatively upon and were feared by people through all society.

Nowadays Hackers and the formed culture around them are irreplaceable for their expertise in IT-Security, data privacy, digital foresight and many other topics in these domains.

I guess, a good way to get to know the way of Hackers or CCC is either to tag along for an event of ours, or watch this short report on the CCC in Germany an its history.

Nonetheless, never forget to Hack on!

2016/09/12 23:08 · prometheus
  • bootstrap.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/03/14 17:56
  • by metalgamer