Kitchen Area

The kitchen area is one of the most important areas in our Hackerspace, you cannot hack with an empty stomach. You might think now, that our kitchen only has a micro wave or a mini stove, than you are more than wrong. We have a full fledged kitchen with everything you would need to cook your own fresh meal.

You have a big fridge for the drinks, a smaller one for food, a freezer for our pizzas, a micro wave and a mini stove. There is also a hot dog and popcorn maker.

You can bring your own food to cook your meal or buy it fresh in a local store. Drinks can be bought in our hackerspace.

If you need an cooking idea, feel free to visit our Foodhacking page or you can simple order something. You can also find a Delivery Services page, from which we already ordered from.

Please use PSY - our payment system for the chaosstuff.

We have a sophisticated fridge with a few different functions. Make sure that the temperature is always set to 4°C.

To manage the stock, please use the StockCLI application.

Since we have full fledged kitchen there are some things you need to know before cooking.

  1. we have only 10A for the whole room, so using the mini stove and the induction cooker at the same time is not recommended.
  2. clean your own dishes.
  3. keep in mind, that the fire detection sensor is right above the kitchen.
  4. If possible, open the window while cooking.
  5. If something is missing (pepper, salt, etc), tell us or buy it.
  • chaosstuff/infrastructure/kitchen.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/03/13 10:40
  • by metalgamer