ChaosMeeting 2015/07
Date | 06/06/2015 |
Time | 20:00 CET |
Location | prometheus' place |
- ToDo
- Digital4Education – prometheus
- Digital Luxembourg & SMILE Invitation – prometheus
- Hackerspace Update – prometheus
- 2015 – prometheus
- Announce Mailing list – prometheus
- Club-Mate – metalgamer
Pls use our RequestTracker.
We have contacted several members of parliament for investigating the fact that Digital4Education is mainly influenced by Microsoft products.
Digital Luxembourg & SMILE Invitation
- kahpa & prometheus will join the Digital Luxembourg BBQ
- kahpa & prometheus will join the SMILE inauguration
Hackerspace Update
It might be possible to get access within the next two weeks. 2015
- No Starch Press
- O'Reilly
- Promoculture
Announce Mailing list
The Announce mailing list is available and updated. CM reports & events will be announced over it.
metalgamer will get in touch with different beverage shops
- Heinz
- Pall Center
- Naturata
Wikileaks & Tor Project
virii will get in touch with Wikileaks to get signed copies of the Cypherpunk book. And with ioerror for the same reason.