
Projects are a vital part of an association's life. Hackers have lots of ideas, but time is not an infinite resource. So, think wisely about what ideas you would like to realize and try to inspire some other fellow members putting them to life.

On the other hand, we'll be straight forward with you, are the financial resources. These aren't for most NGOs infinite too. So, if you have the possibility to donate to your favourite project or just to all of them, please consider doing so.

  • Besides project documentations, we also provide HowTo's to elaborate specific steps.
  • The only barrier is your imagination. Scribble down the blueprints in the pool of ideas, before you forget about them.
  • Concluded or suspended projects find their new permanent or temporary resting place in the Archives.
New Project

Create a new project by simply using the form above. It loads a template with predefined values for you to complete. By this process we can assure, that all newly created project pages, kick-off with the essential metadata we'd like to store.

  • projects.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/03/03 11:35
  • by metalgamer